P.S. 384 - Hunters Point Elementary
P.S. 384 - Hunters Point Elementary
The Family Handbook contains important information about our school, as well as policies and procedures that are designed to ensure our school functions as a positive, educationally-focused learning community where students thrive and grow. Our families are our students’ first teachers! We want you to feel welcome in our community and for there to be full transparency of our school’s approach to learning and the structures that support it.
This version reflects input from parents, students, and staff on how to best manage our inclusive community, but also to keep everyone safe and ensure equity. Our Team will refer to this document as they address your questions and concerns.
We serve the children and families of Long Island City, Queens, within P.S. 78’s zone. Once enrolled in kindergarten, students matriculate automatically to the next grade (up to Grade 5). Once your child is enrolled at our school, nothing changes until a transfer to another school. Siblings of currently enrolled students have priority for kindergarten seats. As per NYCDOE guidelines, Pre-K classes have up to 18 students; Kindergarten classes have up to 25 students; and Grades 1-5 may have up to 32 students.
All visitors are required to go to the School Safety Agent, show identification, and sign-in. Then, with a pass, you may proceed to the General Office. In order to prevent the disruption of our children’s education, please do not go directly to classrooms. The laminated pass should be returned to the School Safety Agent desk upon exiting the building. Please note that it is difficult to see visitors unannounced due to instructional periods and professional development. However, we will work with you to meet during teacher preparation periods, before/after school, or at another time that works.
*Please note that no visitors will be permitted to enter during the daily Window of Safety and Security --> Arrival: 8:10 a.m. – 8:35 a.m. and Dismissal: 2:35 p.m. – 2:55 p.m.
Parent Coordinators support the welcoming environment of the school by serving as the point of contact for parents. They provide support for families (both school-related, as well as additional public services), host workshops, support the PTA, share resources that support student learning at home, and address specific parent concerns. The Parent Coordinator will do an intake to inquire to your child’s or family’s needs, and provide the appropriate path of support and facilitate communication.
We have a variety of ways to communicate with families and share information. Consistent, clear communication helps everyone to do their best as they know what to expect. We try to communicate mostly electronically so that messages can be translated and to be environmentally conscious.
Our methods of communication include:
· Class Dojo – news feed (for reminders and to share school highlights!), as well as parent-to-teacher/principal messaging – and, it’s translated!
· Homework Folder – check your child’s folder daily for flyers and student work. You can also use this folder to send notes and return slips back to your child’s teacher.
· Weekly Wrap-Up – Dojo post / email sent by Ms. Britton, Principal
· Weekly/Monthly Newsletter – sent by classroom teachers (frequency varies by grade level)
· Periodic special notices with tear-off slips – please sign and return them promptly
· Electronic Surveys
· Google Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=cnAya25sMWsxNGFlNnNkNXRwamR2dWU0MnNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ
· Website: www.ps384q.org
· Facebook: @publicschool384
We are fortunate to live in times where reaching out to your child’s school can be done quickly and efficiently, and in a variety of ways. Teachers and team members value your input and like to hear from you. Please remember that each teacher’s priority is teaching. Our goals are always to keep our students safe, strengthen the relationships between P.S. 384 and our families, and provide our students with the least number of interruptions during their instructional time.
Also, certain methods are more appropriate than others regarding certain topics, questions, levels of sensitivity and confidentiality, etc. Please understand that there can also be a delay in response while additional information is begin gathered. Here are some guidelines on how best to use different forms of communication. Your child’s teacher is usually your best bet when you have a specific concern as they spend most of the day with your child and knows him/her best. When in doubt, you can always call the Main Office—we are here to help!
Email and Class Dojo Messages:
Teachers check their email and Class Dojo regularly, however, it is not checked during instructional time. Therefore, these should be sent only when necessary and used for non-urgent matters. Your child’s academic progress, learning expectations or behavioral issues are best addressed through a telephone conversation or by scheduling a personal conference with your child’s teacher. Across the community, email should not include any information related to other students or staff as well as any personal or sensitive information.
Email and Class Dojo Messages are good for:
o I would like to discuss my child’s reading progress.
o We have major changes in our family that may impact our child. Can we talk?
o How can we access our NYCSA?
o I’m going away on business for a few days, so my child might be a little sad.
o We got in late last night, my child may be more tired than usual.
Email and Class Dojo Messages are NOT good for:
These are best addressed with a phone call or meeting. Also, sometimes additional staff may be looped in as they have more knowledge or are better equipped to support you. Remember, we are all in this together!
Doors Open - 8:10 a.m.
Regular School Day - 8:25 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Main Office Hours - 8:00 a.m. – 3:20 p.m.
Breakfast – 8:10 a.m. – 8:25 a.m. (cafeteria)
Period 1 – 8:25 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.
Period 2 – 9:20 a.m. – 10:10 a.m.
Period 3 –10:15 a.m. – 11:05 a.m. / Lunch #1
Period 4 – 11:10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. / Lunch #2
Period 5 – 12:05 p.m. – 12:55 p.m. / Lunch #3
Period 6 – 1:00 p.m. – 1:50 p.m.
Period 7 – 1:55 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Dismissal – 2:45 p.m.
Students will be able to eat breakfast in the Cafeteria between 8:10 – 8:25 a.m. Students who arrive when classes are being picked up will receive a Grab-n-Go Breakfast to eat in the classroom. Breakfast in the Classroom is a FREE initiative to ensure that all students have proper nutrition to function at their best each day. Breakfast will finish by 8:40 a.m., unless there are unforeseen circumstances. If your child is late, they will not be denied breakfast. We do our best to ensure that our students are ready to learn!
School lunch is also FREE for all students. We would love it if more children tried the school food! Students may also bring a lunch from home. For nutritional reason we suggest that parents limit the amount of sweet and salty foods children bring for lunch. Please do not pack glass containers or soda cans. There is no gum chewing, candy, or soda in school. Also, be sure to provide your child with foods that are conducive to school and easy for them to eat independently. For example: nothing that needs to be cut, messy finger foods, etc. There is no microwave or refrigerator for student use.
To view menus, please visit the School Food Website, with menus in multiple languages: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/food/menus
· Breakfast Express Menu
· Pre-K – 8 Hot Lunch Menu
Download the School Food app here:
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.osfns.summerschoolsearch
Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/schoolfood-feed-your-mind/id984600182?ign-mpt=uo%3D4
Due to severe allergies and dietary restrictions, we ask children not to share their food during lunch. Please speak with your child about eating only his/her own lunch and understand why a child may refuse an offer of food. In the cafeteria, children are seated by class. After students clean their areas and recycle, they may have choice time for recess. School staff supervises student lunch and recess time. Proper behavior is expected from every child during the school day, including at lunchtime. We emphasize the following: remain seated while eating, speak with indoor voices, be kind to others, and clean up your area.
Lunch forms ensure that our food services remain free for all students. Please be sure to submit a meal form each year. We will send them home in September, as well as link to complete the process online. Please be sure to follow up as soon as possible!
Here is the link: www.myschoolapps.com
Snapology provides an after school program from 2:45 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. each day at our school.
Please email Snapology directly with any inquiries:
*Please note that this organization is not supervised by P.S. 384.
*After School Programs are canceled on Half Days.
School-Based After School Programs are determined throughout the year, based on funding and staff availability. They may include: academic supports, English language support, sports, arts, dance, coding, or another area where we have team members with talent! When organized, permission slips will be sent home with students for participation.
*After School Programs are canceled on Half Days.
Transportation eligibility is based on a student’s grade level, walking distance between home and school, and existing accommodations based on a medical condition, housing status, or safety assessment.
For more information on bus eligibility here: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/transportation/bus-eligibility
□ Bus route and stop information can be found in your New York City Student Account (NYCSA)
Please note that yellow bus service is provided by the Office of Pupil Transportation (OPT) and is not a service directly offered or governed by P.S. 384 - Hunters Point Elementary.
If you have concerns about the bus, you can contact the Office of Pupil Transportation:
□ By phone: 718-392-8855 – Monday – Friday from 5:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
□ Be sure you know your child’s
o 9-digit OSIS number
o AM Route & PM Route
o Stop number and location
o Bus company phone number
Additional information can be found here:
□ www.optnyc.org/parents.information.htm
□ New York City Student Account (NYCSA)
At P.S. 384, bus safety is a top priority. Steps that we take to ensure student safety include, but are not limited to:
I agree to the following rules of conduct when riding on the school bus to and from P.S. 384. I understand that failure to follow these rules may result in my being suspended and or expelled from the bus.
I agree to follow P.S. 384’s Bus Behavior Contract to make the bus a safe place for all students.
● As a group, we will walk to the bus and board the bus quickly and quietly.
● I will enter and exit the school calmly and safely.
● I will sit in my seat, buckle my seatbelt, and remain seated for the entire trip. I will not walk around or get up while the bus is moving.
● I can choose any seat that is not taken once I board the bus. If this becomes a safety issue, P.S. 384 will assign a bus seat.
● I will report any unsafe behavior to the Parent Coordinator.
P.S. 384 is committed to the academic success of all our students and providing our children with opportunities to express their creativity and work collaboratively with others. This type of work cannot be made up at home. Regular attendance is critical to successful achievement in school, and provides structure and socialization that support students’ independence. Our children need to be here each day, on time, and ready to learn!
If your child will be absent, please call the Main Office at 718-391-4667 after 8:00 a.m. to report to the Main Office.
Our staff will follow up and make daily phone calls home to check in on absent students. After an absence, please send a note (doctor or parent) stating the date(s) and the reason for the absence within 2 days of the child’s return.
Poor attendance if one of the most significant indicators of learning loss and presents the potential for a child to be held over. Please make your travel plans during school breaks so that your child does not miss school. Keep in mind that your child must meet the attendance requirement of 90% set forth by the New York City Department of Education, and attendance data is included on your child’s report card.
Please note excessive absences:
● May be considered educational neglect –all school staff are mandated reporters for New York State
● Negatively impact school funding
● Are a component of the DOE and NYS assessment of our school’s performance
School response to poor attendance may include, but is not limited to:
If there is any support that we can provide (busing, MetroCard, health services) to improve the attendance of your child, please reach out to us! We are committed to the success of every child and will do everything we can to help your family.
Please understand that if a medical excuse from the doctor was given to the school, it has been recorded, however, it is still considered an absence. If your child has a medical condition that can be treated by the School Nurse, please contact the Main Office at 718-391-4667. We can walk you through the process of obtaining a 504 form that allows us to treat your child.
We all know the saying: “Better late than never!” Things happen. We are always happy when your child makes it to school in spite of the unexpected. If a child is late, but before 8:40 a.m., the child will be escorted upstairs by school staff. If it is after 8:40 a.m., and school staff is no longer on post, please bring your child to the Main Office and sign-in. Please do not bypass the Main Office as this helps us to maintain accurate attendance records.
Please fill out the Emergency Card / Blue Card completely, including multiple emergency contact numbers and health conditions/allergies, and return with your child to the school. Any changes should also be made in your child’s NYCSA. These are confidential student records and will not be released to anyone other than staff. List any adult (18 years and older) that may pick up your child. Children will not be released to anyone not on the Blue Card. Be sure that your child knows his/her main phone number and address.
Should you have a court order, please submit a copy with the emergency card and advise office staff, as well as the Principal, of any changes in custodial rights and ‘do not release’ indicators. Be sure to report any changes as it is very important to keep this information up-to-date for emergency contact purposes.
We have an experienced Department of Health Nurse on staff every day. Please speak with (and not email) the Nurse and your child’s teacher regarding any health concerns your child has. The more we know, the better we can protect your child and support his/her good health and well-being. Students should be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.
For the protection of your child and others, please do not send your child to school with any of the following: upset stomach, fever, rash, swollen glands, diarrhea, earache, persistent cough, lice, conjunctivitis (pink-eye), or any other communicable condition.
Students who have medical complaints will be sent to the Nurse’s Office. Students will be evaluated and the determination to be sent home or back to class will be made. Parents will be contacted by the Nurse via phone and written note each time a child visits the Nurse’s Office.
All medications to be administered during the school day must have proper documentation submitted to the Nurse. Students are not permitted to carry medications in school at any time. This includes over-the-counter medication.
Your health care provider must complete a Medication Administration Form(MAF) for the Nurse to administer medication during the school day. Any changes to the MAF must be in writing and signed by the licensed health care provider. A new MAF must be supplied at the start of each school year. All medications must be hand-delivered to the school in the original pharmacy container. The Nurse will store the medication in a locked cabinet or refrigerator and maintain a medication log (and other documentation as indicated) for each student approved to receive medication in school.
Our school has Epi-pens available for emergency administration by our staff. All team members assigned to work with students are trained each year to use Epi-pens.
Students with Allergies
In order to support students with allergies and prevent any reactions, we have developed the following protocol:
-Parents log into NYCSA and fill out the specific allergens/conditions. This information is communicated to the Parent Coordinator, who will organize the system.
-Parents submit the MAF (Medication Administration Form) for administration of medication by Nurse and Medical Review for Students With Severe Allergies Form and the FARE Form (if necessary) completed by the student's allergist.
-Based on these documents, an individualized Allergy Plan will be developed. This may include students sitting at a specific table with peers to avoid certain allergens.
-Red Allergy Tags will be provided to students to indicate that they have serious allergies. These are worn by students during breakfast and lunch. Allergies are listed to inform all staff (food service, school aides, teachers, support staff, Supervising Adults, etc.)
-Each Supervising Adult will have the child’s medication in an Allergy Bag with a copy of their reactions, which follows the student during school hours.
In accordance with the New York State Public Health Law, all students attending New York City Public Schools must be immunized against the following: diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTaP), polio (IPV/OPV), measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), hepatitis B, and varicella (chickenpox).
In the event that your child has not obtained the required immunization, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has the right to require that your child be excluded from school. If you have any questions, please contact our Nurse.
More information can be found here: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/health-and-wellness/immunizations
If a child in a classroom has lice, all students in the class will be checked. Parents will be notified by the Nurse to pick up their child and how to treat this affliction.
Field trips are planned by teachers as part of the curriculum and expose students to the many institutions and resources available throughout our dynamic city. Trips are not considered ‘rewards’, but rather an extension of our classroom. Our teachers follow clear guidelines to ensure the safety and security of all of our children. Parents will receive notice of field trips via a field trip permission form. Each child will need a signed permission slip prior to the trip date in order to attend the trip. A small amount of money may be requested from each student to defray the cost. All monies should be placed in a sealed envelope with your child’s full name and class. We love having parents join us–please notify the classroom teacher if you are interested in chaperoning. Unfortunately, we cannot permit younger siblings to be part of class trips.
Our students will participate in walking field trips throughout the school year. Walking field trips are defined as places of educational relevance within walking distance from our school building. Our students will walk to points of interest within our neighborhood with relevance to our curriculum. This may include: the local library, park, or a neighborhood walk to observe wildlife. Teachers will give prior notice of any upcoming walking field trips. By signing a ‘Walking Trip Permission Slip’, you will allow your child to go on these short, local excursions throughout the school year.
At P.S 384 – Hunters Point Elementary, we work each day to encourage students to be successful learners and remain safe throughout the school day. Clothing should allow for the importance of learning at school each day. While we currently do not have a uniform policy, we ask that you please help us by supporting our guidelines for appropriate dress.
Please send students to school with:
Please do not send students to school with:
Please keep the following items at home and do not bring them to school: Pokemon cards, toys, slap bracelets, laser pointers, candy, hot beverages, large sums of money, expensive accessories (jewelry, scarves, etc.), make-up and hair products, permanent markers, electronics, etc. These items are distracting, difficult to identify ownership when lost, could be broken, and may be confiscated as necessary. This list may change throughout the school year in response to changing trends and issues that arise.
We encourage teaching children to be responsible for his/her belongings, including their backpack, coat, and lunchboxes. However, we know that sometimes items turn up without their owners! Please label the items your child brings to school, from school supplies, to sweaters, and lunchboxes. Any items found without a label will be placed in the Lost in Found. Please check the Lost and Found periodically for missing items. We will empty the Lost and Found three times a year and items will be donated to charity.
To extend the love of learning outside of school, as well as build responsibility, students will bring books from the classroom library, School Library, and curriculum materials, home with them. Students should work to ensure that they bring materials to and from school in a responsible way. We will also share our library expectations with children throughout the school year.
If an item is lost or damaged, we cannot guarantee that we have additional copies to replace it, and parents may be expected to cover the cost. Let’s help our children develop good habits for treating materials respectfully and responsibly, while continuing to extend learning beyond the school day.
To celebrate children’s birthdays, we will have once celebration at the end of each month for all of the birthdays of that month. Our PTA will support with this with pencils, bookmarks, etc., for all children to support equity and inclusion. Please do not arrive at the school unexpected with large quantities of food, candy, etc.
Please adhere to the following guidelines:
Our team is thrilled to accept your thanks and kind words, but they do not expect any gifts. As per the Chancellor’s Regulation, as well as to avoid issues of favoritism and competition, staff members can accept gifts that are homemade (e.g., a card, a letter, your child’s art, or baked goods) or of nominal value. We cannot accept money in the form of a gift card. Teaching children to love learning is the greatest gift of all!
School Safety is a top priority at P.S. 384 – Hunters Point Elementary. Our entire community contributes to the procedures and protocols that keep our children safe.
Our School Safety Agent is stationed in the building whenever classes are in session and when teachers are working. The School Safety Agent’s job is to keep our children, families, and staff safe. S/he does this by keeping careful records of visitors, screening who comes into the building, monitoring our security cameras, and ensuring all doors are locked from the outside at all times. We have security cameras in the hallways and along the perimeter of the building, as well as door alarms that alert our staff if an alternate exit has been opened. For safety and security, parents are not permitted to escort their child into the school building.
Please help us keep our school safe by following protocols for visiting families.
If you are at the school for a workshop or meeting, please inform the School Safety Agent what workshop you are attending and show your flyer or ticket. After signing in, you will be directed to the appropriate location. If you have small children, they must remain with you at all times and must be supervised by their parents/guardians.
A few more notes on Safety & Security at P.S. 384, as per the NYCDOE:
* School Safety Agent (NYPD) at the entrance whenever students are in the building
* 35+ cameras outside the building and in common areas within the building
* Emergency buttons in the school that directly connect to NYPD and Emergency Response
* ID check and sign-in
* All perimeter doors are locked and have door alarms
* Building Response Team (BRT)
* Safety Team
* The School Safety Plan is submitted each year and is approved by the Borough Safety Director and the NYPD
* For more information: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/safe-schools/emergency-readiness
Evacuation / Fire Drills are held throughout the school year to prepare students and staff for an emergency situation in which the building needs to be evacuated. Each year, the school conducts at least 8 fire drills. During a fire drill, it is expected that all students remain quiet and follow the directives of the teacher. All students are to quickly and quietly exit the building. Please stress to your child the importance of these rules and review them at home. Please speak with your child’s teacher if s/he has any sensory needs and might have difficulty with the loud noises of the fire drill. We can make accommodations and/or work with your child so that s/he is not fearful.
Lockdown drills are held to prepare students and staff for a threat within the school building or in the immediate area surrounding school premises. Each year, the school will conduct at least 4 lockdown drills. During a lockdown drill, all students and staff are required to be in a locked location, and remain quiet and out of the line of vision.
In the case of inclement weather, the Mayor and Chancellor will announce the closing of schools citywide. This information will be available via the DOE website (www.schools.nyc.gov), social media, radio (1010 WINS), and local television news sources. You can also visit www.nyc.gov/311 or call 311.
When schools are closed due to inclement weather, students will transition to remote learning via Google Classroom and Zoom.
If there is a storm during the school day, there may also be an announcement regarding the cancellation of after school programs and field trips. You can utilize the resources listed previously, and will also receive a message from the school.
As a learning community, we teach our children to learn from their mistakes and to internalize the consequences of their decisions. We also believe in giving children the chance to reflect on a poor choice and give them opportunities to make amends. This aligns with our belief in logical consequences, being responsive to behavior, and using teachable moments to change behavior and develop empathy.
We want all of our students to be able to thrive and learn in a space where they feel safe and valued. We believe different perspectives and insights enrich our classroom discussions and learning. ALL students—regardless of their ability, race, ethnicity, language, weight, orientation, national origin, citizenship status, religion, or gender—are entitled to learn in a community free of intimidation, bullying and discrimination. Discriminatory practices will not be tolerated.
When problematic behavioral instances arise, we adhere to the Department of Education Discipline Code: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/rules-for-students/discipline-code
In addition to logical consequences, we also want to fix the underlying causes of any ongoing issues. We also are proactive by using the Responsive Classroom approach, Social Thinking curriculum, Kindness in the Classroom, as well as countless opportunities to seize teachable moments to support student interactions and their expression of needs. You can always reach out to your child’s teacher and follow up with the Principal, Parent Coordinator, or School Counselor, as needed. We will take time to speak to students to determine what happened in a situation and the appropriate action. We will not facilitate meetings between parents or families.
While we understand the wide range of uses and benefits of technology, we have set forth a policy that considers the safety and security of all students and community members.
Cell phones, computing and portable music devices, and entertainment systems, or other devices that record or take photos (such as watches) may not be taken out, displayed, turned on, or used during the school day or on school premises for any reason. This includes any of the following: the administration of any school quiz, test, or examination; during school fire drills or other emergency preparedness exercises; in public spaces such as the auditorium, cafeteria, and/or bathroom; during any school trips; while riding school buses; and during afterschool or any school sponsored programs. Students are responsible for turning off devices and securing their devices within their personal belongings, where it is not visible and cannot be heard.
Students who violate this policy will be subject to the following, in accordance with the DOE’s Discipline Code.
All guidelines and policies established by P.S. 384 – Hunters Point Elementary are in accordance with New York City’s Department of Education guidelines, the DOE Discipline Code, and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy.
All steps include parent notification.
1. Warning
2. Confiscation of item and return at end of school day
3. Confiscation of item and return following parent conference
4. Confiscation of item, return following parent conference, and student entering behavioral contract
5. Revocation of privilege to bring item to school
P.S. 384 is not responsible or liable for any cell phones, computing devices, portable music devices, and entertainment systems brought to the school that are lost, stolen, or damaged on school property or during any school sponsored events.
Here are some ways you can help support your child in safe and responsible electronic use:
We understand that in these times, parents can be concerned about their ability to contact their child, especially during an emergency. Please know that you can always call P.S. 384 – Hunters Point Elementary if you need to contact your child during the school day. We have many protocols in place and work to ensure student are in a safe, responsive environment.
Our team at P.S. 384 - Hunters Point Elementary loves working with parents for the success of their child. We believe in consistent communication and collaboration to support our relationships. Parents’ involvement in their child’s education is an excellent indicator of future success. Remember: You don’t have to attend every event or be at school every day to be involved. We know that our families are busy! It starts with talking to your child each day about what they are learning and doing in school. In addition, there are many ways you can engage with our school and give back.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Our PTA has an active board that helps to raise funds for our school, support school wide initiatives and positively contribute to the sense of community within our school. As a parent/guardian of a child at P.S. 384 – Hunters Point Elementary, you are automatically part of the PTA! We encourage you to take an active role in the PTA by volunteering your talents and time any way you can. You can also vote in elections. At P.S. 384 – Hunters Point Elementary, our PTA works to:
If you would like to have a more focused involvement in our PTA, there are also subcommittees which will support and enrich our school community. Some areas are: Building Community Partnerships, Communication & PR, Recruitment, Social Events (children), Social Events (adults), Fundraising, Kindergarten Moving Up, Decorating, etc.
School Leadership Team (SLT)The School Leadership Teams (SLT) is a vehicle for developing school-based educational policies, and allows the Principal to make consensus-informed decisions on curriculum, school priorities, and budget allocation. The SLT assists in the evaluation and assessment of a school’s educational programs and their effects on student achievement. The main purpose of the SLT is to develop the Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP), which sets school goals and delineates an action plan. The School Leadership Team is comprised of many stakeholders within the school community, including parents, school staff, and the Principal. Parents are elected to the SLT for 2-year terms through the PTA. The SLT meets to discuss vital school issues on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. Any parent not on the SLT who is interested in attending a meeting may do so as an observer. Meeting minutes will be posted on the school website.
Tips for Staying Involved
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