P.S. 384 - Hunters Point Elementary
P.S. 384 - Hunters Point Elementary
P.S. 384 - Hunters Point Elementary opened in September of 2018 as an elementary school for the children and families of Long Island City, Queens. We are a proud member of the District 30 family of schools.
At P.S. 384, students will develop a love of learning through authentic learning experiences in which they persevere through challenges, collaborate with others, and have space for creativity. Work products will demonstrate student voice, choice, and reflections. Students will be able to connect their access to knowledge and technology with academic skills and social-emotional intelligence to make an impact for a better world.
Our Instructional Approach:
As a school community, we will rise to meet challenges, value inclusivity, and demonstrate an unrelenting love of learning. Our team will continue reflect, grow, and evolve in our educational practices.
Ms. Britton, Founding Principal
Ms. DeGrazia, Assistant Principal
Ms. Hametz, Assistant Principal
Ms. Bridge, English as a New Language Coordinator
Ms. Belluti, Literacy Specialist
Ms. Paola (Carrasquillo), Parent Coordinator
Ms. Cleveland, Secretary
Ms. Botelho, School Counselor
Ms. Monteforte, School Psychologist
Ms. Murashima, Social Worker
Ms. Nasher, Speech Teacher
Ms. Nisanov, Occupational Therapist
Mr. Covino, Physical Therapist
Ms. Rose, Hearing Teacher
Ms. Guzman, School Safety Agent
Ms., School Nurse
Pre-K Team
Ms. Djomo & Ms. Chowdhury
Kindergarten Team
Ms. Gonzalez, Ms. Kissane, Ms. Lawson, Ms. Leddy, Ms. Martone, Ms. Tenezaca, & Ms. Zhu
First Grade Team
Ms. Bailey, Ms. Fitzpatrick, Ms. Gerber, Ms. Neiss, Ms. Singh, Mr. Ward, & Ms. Furtado
Second Grade Team
Ms. Brennan, Mr. Greenwald, Ms. Klidonas, Ms. Ortiz, Ms. Schuman, Ms. Haque, & Ms. Inca
Third Grade Team
Ms. Do, Mr. Greenwald, Ms. Lerner, Ms. Morales, Ms. Nyhus, & Ms. Raymundo,
Ms. Haque, & Ms. Inca
Fourth Grade Team
Ms. Ades, Ms. Ioannides & Mr. Shih
Fifth Grade Team
Ms. Bauer & Ms. Holtzman
Specials Team
Mr. Starr, Physical Education Teacher
Mr. Feldman, Physical Education Teacher
Ms. Anderson, Art Teacher
Ms. Lainez, STEM Teacher
Mr. Sturdevant, Music Teacher
School Aide Team
Ms. Begum, Ms. Chaparro, Ms. Corridan, Mr. Goodwin, & Ms. Grady
Custodial Team
Mr. Mike, Mr. Cody, & Mr. Jael
This multisensory, structured language program provides systematic and explicit phonics instruction in the early childhood classroom. Critical foundational skills are emphasized, including phonemic awareness, phonics, word study, high frequency word study, reading fluency, vocabulary, handwriting, and spelling.
We utilize this systematic program to support students' phonological and phonemic awareness skills. Children develop an awareness of sounds through hearing words that rhyme and isolating sounds in words. Once students hear and create isolated sounds, they move into blending syllables, onset-rimes, and making words.
At P.S. 384, we want our children to be excited about books!
Students engage in literacy instruction that provides models of effective reading, discussion, inquiry, and independent work. Students will engage across a variety of leveled texts, and have opportunities to choose books in their classroom library.
Decodable Texts -- Students in lower grades have opportunities to practice their phonics skills in decodable readers that mirror their learning.
We us a variety of components to teach writing.
This includes:
Framing Your Thoughts -- a sequential and systematic method of instruction that teaches students to create accurate sentences, from simple to complex.
Writing Workshop -- Through the workshop model, students engage in writing instruction that provides models of effective writing, discussion, inquiry into author's craft, and independent work.
Handwriting Without Tears -- A multisensory approach that supports young children in the formation of letters.
In order to thrive, children need to learn a set of social and emotional competencies—cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self-control—and a set of academic competencies—academic mindset, perseverance, learning strategies, and academic behaviors. We use the evidence-based Responsive Classroom approach to foster the strong relationship between academic success and social-emotional learning (SEL). To build safe, joyful, and engaging learning communities where all students have a sense of belonging and feel significant, all of our classrooms include: Morning Meeting, Establishing Routines, Energizers, Quiet Time, and Closing Circle.
All children can benefit from Social Thinking, which supports an individual’s ability to interpret the thoughts, beliefs, emotions, knowledge, and actions of others. This information support children’s behavioral interactions and responses to others. Themes include: encouraging children to think with their eyes, keep their body in the group and follow the group plan. These areas develop lifelong skills such as perspective taking, self-regulation and executive functioning.
The Kindness in the Classroom integrates intentional kindness skill building with the development of social and emotional competencies. Each unit teaches six core concepts: Respect, Caring, Inclusiveness, Integrity, Responsibility, and Courage. Consistent use of the simple framework of share, inspire, empower, act, and reflect build the necessary skills to move from self-awareness to action. Kindness can be taught!
enVision Math combines problem-based learning and visual learning to deepen students’ conceptual understanding.
Students must think critically about a real-world math problem, evaluate options, collaborate, model their thinking, and present solutions. This is followed by Visual Learning to solidify the underlying math concepts.
NYC Kids RISE is a nonprofit organization working to expand economic opportunity and equity by providing families, schools, and communities with a way to work together to save for their children’s education. The Save For College Program is a scholarship and savings program designed to make college more achievable for your child. All students can participate in the Save for College Program, regardless of income level or immigration status.